In this article, I will show you how to extract multiple columns from a single column in a PySpark DataFrame. I am going to use two methods. First, I will use the withColumn function to create a new column twice.In the second example, I will implement a UDF that extracts both columns at once.

Table of Contents

  1. Using the withColumn Function
    1. Get Weekly AI Implementation Insights
  2. Using a UDF
  3. Are UDFs Better Than Multiple withColumn Calls?

In both examples, I will use the following example DataFrame:

df_schema = StructType([StructField('to_be_extracted', StringType())])

test_list = [
    ['1183 Amsterdam'],
    ['06123 Ankara'],
    ['08067 Barcelona'],
    ['3030 Bern'],
    ['75116 Paris'],
    ['1149-014 Lisbon'],
    ['00-999 Warsaw'],
    ['00199 Rome'],
    ['HR-10 040 Zagreb']

df: DataFrame = spark_session.createDataFrame(test_list, schema=df_schema)
| to_be_extracted|
|  1183 Amsterdam|
|    06123 Ankara|
| 08067 Barcelona|
|       3030 Bern|
|     75116 Paris|
| 1149-014 Lisbon|
|   00-999 Warsaw|
|      00199 Rome|
|HR-10 040 Zagreb|

Note that it contains only one column to_be_extracted, and that column contains both the postal code and the name of a European city. I want to create separate columns for those two values.

Using the withColumn Function

To separate the postal code from the city name, I need a regular expression that splits the data into two groups. To handle my example data the following expression is sufficient: r'^(.*?)\s(\w*?)$'. It puts the last word in the text into the second group and everything else (without the space between groups) into the first group.

After defining the regular expression, I can use the withColumn function and the regex_extract function to separate the postal code from the city name:

regex = r'^(.*?)\s(\w*?)$'
df \
        regexp_extract(col('to_be_extracted'), regex, 1)
    ) \
        regexp_extract(col('to_be_extracted'), regex, 2)
| to_be_extracted|postal_code|     city|
|  1183 Amsterdam|       1183|Amsterdam|
|    06123 Ankara|      06123|   Ankara|
| 08067 Barcelona|      08067|Barcelona|
|       3030 Bern|       3030|     Bern|
|     75116 Paris|      75116|    Paris|
| 1149-014 Lisbon|   1149-014|   Lisbon|
|   00-999 Warsaw|     00-999|   Warsaw|
|      00199 Rome|      00199|     Rome|
|HR-10 040 Zagreb|  HR-10 040|   Zagreb|

In this case, the obvious disadvantage is the need to run the regex_extract function twice.

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Using a UDF

If I want to use a UDF, the code gets a little bit more complicated. First, I have to define the schema of the value returned by the UDF. My return value is going to be a struct containing two text fields:

schema = StructType([
    StructField("postal_code", StringType(), False),
    StructField("city", StringType(), False)

After defining the schema, I have to write the function code:

import re

def extract_in_python(content):
    regex = r'^(.*?)\s(\w*?)$'

    search_result =, content)

    if search_result:
        postal_code =
        city =
        return postal_code, city
        return None, None

Now, I can turn my Python function into a PySpark UDF and use it to extract the data from the column:

extract_udf = udf(extract_in_python, schema)

    df \
        .withColumn('extracted', extract_udf(col('to_be_extracted')))
| to_be_extracted|          extracted|
|  1183 Amsterdam|  [1183, Amsterdam]|
|    06123 Ankara|    [06123, Ankara]|
| 08067 Barcelona| [08067, Barcelona]|
|       3030 Bern|       [3030, Bern]|
|     75116 Paris|     [75116, Paris]|
| 1149-014 Lisbon| [1149-014, Lisbon]|
|   00-999 Warsaw|   [00-999, Warsaw]|
|      00199 Rome|      [00199, Rome]|
|HR-10 040 Zagreb|[HR-10 040, Zagreb]|

I didn’t get the result that I want. Instead of separate columns, I have a single column with the Struct inside. Fortunately, I can easily flatten the Struct using the select function:

df \
    .withColumn('extracted', extract_udf(col('to_be_extracted'))) \
    .select(col('to_be_extracted'), col("extracted.*"))
| to_be_extracted|postal_code|     city|
|  1183 Amsterdam|       1183|Amsterdam|
|    06123 Ankara|      06123|   Ankara|
| 08067 Barcelona|      08067|Barcelona|
|       3030 Bern|       3030|     Bern|
|     75116 Paris|      75116|    Paris|
| 1149-014 Lisbon|   1149-014|   Lisbon|
|   00-999 Warsaw|     00-999|   Warsaw|
|      00199 Rome|      00199|     Rome|
|HR-10 040 Zagreb|  HR-10 040|   Zagreb|

Are UDFs Better Than Multiple withColumn Calls?

The short answer is: No. Using a PySpark UDF requires Spark to serialize the Scala objects, run a Python process, deserialize the data in Python, run the function, serialize the results, and deserialize them in Scala. This causes a considerable performance penalty, so I recommend to avoid using UDFs in PySpark.

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